Arcane Reborn Wiki

Arcane Reborn, as of its past year of development, is only compatible with computers. The game is not compatible with consoles, phones, or tablets.


These are the standard controls for overall movement, along with hotkeys. Certain keys are reserved for attacks, which can be found by checking the respective pages for those controls.

Key Function
[ W ] Player moves away from the camera.
[ A ] Player moves to the left, depending on the camera angle.
[ S ] Player moves toward the camera.
[ D ] Player moves to the right, depending on the camera angle.
[ Double-tapping A ] Player quickly dodges to the left, depending on the camera angle.
[ Double-tapping S ] Player quickly dodges backward, depending on the camera angle.
[ Double-tapping W ] Player quickly dodges forward, depending on the camera angle.
[ Double-tapping D ] Player quickly dodges to the right, depending on the camera angle.
[ Space ] Makes the player jump on land or swim up in water (If holding space).
[ Ctrl ] Toggles sprint/fast swim in Water.
[ T ] Player will high jump. The height of the high jump changes depending on how long it is charged.
[ B ] If near a ledge or boat, it allows the player to climb up. While near an NPC, it allows the player to interact with them.
[ Shift ] Recovers magic energy until full. Creates additional visual effects if still charging after being full.
[ Shift + C ] Reveal auras of NPCs and other players that show their relative power level .


Type these into the chat for some fun poses.

A list of commands are accessible from the Menu.

/e dab /e sit /e sleep /e smh
/e praise /e sit2 /e handstand /e salute


  • The /e praise emote is a reference to the popular "Praise the Sun" gesture/meme from the Dark Souls series.